Let's Start At The Very Beginning...

Welcome to Cake Crazed!

First off a little about me...

Cake Crazed is a venture that was started in June of this year. It began basically as a hobby and a whim. My husband and I currently own and operate a stand in the Indoor Shed at the Rochester Public Market. Every Saturday for 52 weeks a year we sell bagels, coffee and assorted items at Johnny Mig's Bagels.

Well in February I began taking the Wilton Cake Decorating Method Courses. And so my love affair with cake decorating began. I am currently in Course III of the series and don't plan on stopping until I finish all four courses.

And that brings us to our latest venture. Cake Crazed. Cake Crazed will exist at the Rochester Public Market as a weekly cupcake display and special order cake service. I was inspired by people like http://www.52cupcakes.blogspot.com/ and I thought what better way to not only get our product and ideas out there than by establishing ourselves also at the Rochester Public Market.

Which that said, please visit our website (currently under development) at http://www.cakecrazed.com/ and stop by the Rochester Public Market every Saturday to pick up the weekly cupcake!


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