I'm sure every photographer has one picture "that will not die" if you will. That one picture that maybe has made their career. For me as an amateur photographer that picture was an accidental capture. There I was taking shots of my boys playing in the puddles after a rainy day and what did I manage to capture but this shot.

It seems like for me, this is a picture that will not die. Nor, do I want it to it just surprises me is all. With this picture I've entered contests and won. Last year, I took the People's Choice in the Everyday Life Category in the Capture Rochester photo contest and just this past summer I was awarded an Honorable Mention at the New York State Fair photography contest. The NYS fair had over 3000 entries and they picked the best 10 amatuer and 10 professional to be displayed. I was beyond estatic. I still am. I just hope that this is not the only great capture I have. But I have a feeling that it's just the beginning.