Kids Say The Darndest Things (Round 2)
Yesterday brought a 60 degree day here and I felt like it was the perfect day to get the boys out of the house to enjoy the weather. What better place to do that then at the zoo.It was probably the best experience I have ever had with them at the zoo.
It's the first time we have been since they have turned 3 and what a difference from the other times we have been. They were interested in inquiring about EVERYTHING!
They were asking questions about the otter, watched the leopard eat a breakfast of Wegmans Cheerios and even watched the boa constrictor eating his breakfast of a huge, white rabbit. Of course that meant I was far away from that scene but not the boys they were right up next to the glass in front of it. It also meant there was a Sherriff there laughing at me because I couldn't even look at it! Even now when I am thinking about it my skin is crawling.It was a great time all around.
That is until the boys became the hit of the baboon exhibit. The exhibit was packed and there were baboons sitting at the glass in front of us. One large baboon got up and walked away when Dominic remarked (rather loudly) "Mommy, did you see his butt? I told him I did see it and he said "He's not supposed to show us that. It's not very nice. He has to leave his underwear on." Of course all the other parents laughed at him but only for a short while because 10 seconds later Johnny remarked even louder than his brother..."Mommy, see his penis?" "Mommy, we don't touch our penis."
We left shortly after that.