41 Random Things.

After getting tagged numerous times in Facebook to do Random Things about me lists I decided to do it and combine them all. Anyway, I am not tagging anyone...whoever wants to do it can!

1. I cannot recite the alphabet backwards sober, I overthink it. However, I can do it while drunk at an impressive speed.

2. One of my ex-boyfriends used to be Tigger in Walt Disney World. He was another character too but I can't remember which one. He also was a stand-in for Aladdin at times.

3. I am a closet Kanye West fan. I think he's a musical genius.

4. I have a cookbook fetish. Everytime I go into a bookstore I come out with a cookbook.

5. I wouldn't consider myself a lucky person but I have won 2 National contests. The first was an all expense paid trip to Atlantic City to see Bon Jovi play at the Borgata with stage side seating and the second was just this past week I won a camera in a photo contest.

6. We went to Vegas for our Honeymoon (not my first choice but we had just taken a cruise a few months before). Anyway, a few days into our honeymoon we found out that a good friend of my husband's unexpectedly died so he had to fly home for the funeral. There was literally one seat left on one flight (it was a holiday) so I spent the last 2 days of my honeymoon alone in Vegas.

7. The worst vacation I have ever taken would be Bermuda. Lovely island. Just worst vacation!

8. I cannot read a bus schedule to save my life.

9. It really pisses me off when people misprounouce my first name. It's REE-GEE-NA. Not REE-GIII-NA!!

10. I've been pregnant one time but I have 2 kids. That still blows my mind.

11. Somedays I really want one more (preferably a girl). Then other days I would rather tie my own tubes!

12. I am Italian and I have never shaved my toes! (That's for Sheli)

13. Besides snakes my biggest fear is going crazy.

14. If there was one piece of recent technology I could not live without it would be my iPod. I use it everyday!

15. I can recite The Goonies, line for line. It's my all-time favorite movie. I still laugh like I am 12 years old.

16. Every Halloween for the past 20 years I watch The Monster Squad. Another movie that cracks me up!

17. I own just one piece of lingerie. I would rather sleep in t-shirts and pajama pants. My husband likes it too.

18. I almost bought a pair of Jimmy Choo's once. John told me to pick a pair in the store. I felt so guilty when I saw the $575 that I told the salesperson I had changed my mind.

19. I am extremly superstitious. Not like don't step on a crack or Friday the 13th superstitious but like I won't put shoes on the table (an old Italian superstition).

20. My sister and I always wanted a Chihuahua growing up. We were going to name it Chimichanga Enchilada Margarita Taco Bell Beech and just call it Beech for short.

21. When every one else was crying at the end of Titanic. My best friend Michelle and I were laughing. What can I say the people looked like little fishing bobbers. Yeah...I have no heart!

22. If I could go back in time it would be to Renaissance Italy in the 1490's, during the time of Savonrola and Leonardo Da Vinci.

23. I had a great uncle killed in the mafia in the 1960's.

24. My great-grandfather was arrested during prohibition for making and selling liquor.

25. When I was a kid I always thought that if 2 cartoons combined for the day like Josie & The Pussycats showing up on Scooby Doo that it meant it was going to be a great day.

26. I totally believe in the supernatural. By supernatural I mean psychics, ghosts etc. Let me explain. I went to a psychic once, EVERYTHING the woman told me has come true. Even the fact that she told me I was going to have a baby and then my husband was going to want another one right away so I was going to have 2 babies, back to back. I never took that at the time to mean TWINS.

27. Going along with the first one, I believe in ghosts and spirits now more than ever. When I was pregnant I had a really bad cold and couldn't breathe or smell anything and I had been laying on the couch and could smell Old Spice Cologne, there is only one person I have ever known that wore Old Spice (my grandfather) so I began talking to him and the smell got so strong it was like someone dropped a bottle in the room. See...I totally believe he was with me then.

28. The oddest thing I have done would be when I tried out for the game show The Weakest Link. I made it to the last step before getting on the show and then got a call saying that the show was cancelled. Too bad.

29. I consider myself an avid reader. I am always reading. But, lately the majority of what I have been reading is considered Chick Lit. Here's the thing. I hate romance novels but I love chick lit because it's fun and quirky and I can usually read a chick lit book in a matter of days so I feel like I am reading a ton of books that way.

30. If I could do any one thing I would go to Culinary School. I wish I had the knowledge and palette to do well...I love cooking.

31. The weirdest thing that has ever happened to me occured when I was about 15 years old. My sister and I were playing the game Win, Lose or Draw on our old IBM computer with the 5 1/4" floppy disks. and the clue was Movie and they drew a baby for the clue. We guessed everything we could and still it wasn't correct so we started putting in names of people we knew and after we typed in my brother's name it came up Correct answer...The Omen! I swear that is totally true.

32. My biggest regret in life is not going in the Navy when I had the chance. About 7 years ago I was enlisting and it got time for me to take my physical exam (the last step) and when the officers called me to schedule it I told them I had changed my mind, that I was pregnant (a lie) and I wouldn't be enlisting after all. The truth...my boyfriend at the time didn't want me to go in. I can't believe I listened to him and in hindsight everything worked out for the best because 2 months later we were broken up and the next guy I dated became my husband.

33. This past summer I bought my first pair of Chucks and I am now addicted. They are the coolest and most comfortable shoes I have ever worn.

34. I have eaten Hostess Cupcakes the same exact way since I was 5 years old. First I eat the white swirls, then I eat all the chocolate off the top. Then I break it in half and eat the cream filling and then and only then do I eat the cake.

35. I have NEVER smoked. Anything. Drugs, cigarettes...NOTHING. Actually no drugs (other than alcohol) at all. I think at first I was scared to death of my family killing me if they ever found out and then I just wasn't interested. I have had plenty of opportunity but it just doesn't appeal to me at all.

36. I mentioned before that I love to cook and bake and if there is one thing that will be the downfall of me it will be the fact that I cannot bake cookies. I suck at cookies. It never fails, I always overbake them.

37. My husband and I own a stand at the Rochester Public Market where we sell Bagels, Pastries, Coffee etc. and it is because of this that I am obsessed with buying my produce from Public Markets. I love the market. I have gotten to the point where I know which is Organic/Farm Grown and which is Wholesale grown items. It was awesome when the twins were babies because I would go every week and get all fresh fruits and vegetables and I made all their baby food. I now have a goal to visit the public markets in major cities in the U.S.

38. I love bloody steak. That sounds more disgusting than I mean for it to be but it's the truth. When I go to a restaurant and order steak I tell them I want it cooked as rare as they are legally allowed to give it to me. It grosses my husband out.

39. I have 7 tattoos and if I had my way I would have about another 70. Okay, maybe not 70 more but I love the feeling of getting tattooed. It's kind of an addiction with me I think. The pain doesn't bother me in the least. I am thinking for my next one I want to get a Cherry blossom branch with blooming and falling blossoms on my upper arm. I am actually struggling with it because I know the upper arm has a tendency to look manly, so I am waiting to decide.

40. I think it's funny when little kids swear. I used to have a trucker mouth. It was from all the truckers I would be around at my last job and I think it rubbed off on me. Since I have kids now I have gotten better but I still think it's hysterical (most of the time) when something slips out of any little kids mouth. It's just something so innocent about it. But then again, I have heard little kids mouths that are NOT so funny too and let's just face it, they ruin it for the rest of them.

41. I was 31 years old when I had my tonsils out. I didn't think it was at all bad either until about 4 days in and then I had the worst pain of my life. Even worse than childbirth (and I had TWINS!!!). It's a good thing they take both tonsils at the same time because I would have NEVER have gone back if they just took one


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