Some Of The Best News In Awhile!
(Originally posted October 23, 2007 and transferred)
If you read my blog than you may remember back in May when I wrote about taking the boys to the eye doctor.
Well back then, we took both boys even though at that time we thought it was just Dominic that had a problem. Upon being checked out we walked out with Johnny needing glasses. $300 later Johnny had his glasses and was supposed to be checked in 3 months with Dominic being checked in 6 months. Johnny refused to wear his glasses. The minute we would put them on his eyes would cross, he would run into things get frustrated and throw them. After awhile we even stopped trying to get him to wear them because it was so bad.
I cancelled his 3 month appointment because I didn't like the Doctor he was going to and cancelled Dominic's 6 month appointment as well. Then last week I thought I should really make an appointment and have them checked out but I decided I was going to switch doctor's. I called the Eye Institute at the U of R and surprisingly got an appointment with a Pediatric Specialist. We went today and I can't tell you how ecstatic I am.
First of all after the nurse left the room, this man walks in and says, "Hi, My name is Matthew." It took me a few minutes to even realize that he was the DOCTOR! I initially thought he was a resident or a med student. I have never had a doctor introduce themselves like that.
He checked out the boys, then the nurse put drops in their eyes and came back in a few minutes later.
He then proceeded to check the boys out with all the special lenses and he was amazing! He was singing songs, and telling stories and jokes. At one point Dominic reached for the machine...when he did this at the old doctor the doctor yelled at him. This time this new doctor, gave him one of his lenses to play with. And then cracked a joke when Dominic threw it on the floor cause he was mad.
Come to find out BOTH boys are FINE!!!!
He said they are both Far-sighted but that all kids at this age are. He said they are both completely normal but that he is going to check them again in a year. My husband asked him if Johnny ever really needed glasses before and he said that maybe the doctor thought he fell in this gray area where glasses may help. But then we told him he NEVER wore them.
My husband is a little upset with the other doctor because obviously we spent $300 for glasses that now we will end up donating but still! Wouldn't it have been better just to have him checked out in a couple of months instead of prescribing glasses.
I can only think of it this way, we are probably more fortunate than most people and could easily afford to spend the money on the glasses. What if we did not have $300 to spend on a pair of glasses. And we found a way to get the money only to be told he is fine and never needed them???
Oh well.
At least everything worked out in the end!
If you read my blog than you may remember back in May when I wrote about taking the boys to the eye doctor.
Well back then, we took both boys even though at that time we thought it was just Dominic that had a problem. Upon being checked out we walked out with Johnny needing glasses. $300 later Johnny had his glasses and was supposed to be checked in 3 months with Dominic being checked in 6 months. Johnny refused to wear his glasses. The minute we would put them on his eyes would cross, he would run into things get frustrated and throw them. After awhile we even stopped trying to get him to wear them because it was so bad.
I cancelled his 3 month appointment because I didn't like the Doctor he was going to and cancelled Dominic's 6 month appointment as well. Then last week I thought I should really make an appointment and have them checked out but I decided I was going to switch doctor's. I called the Eye Institute at the U of R and surprisingly got an appointment with a Pediatric Specialist. We went today and I can't tell you how ecstatic I am.
First of all after the nurse left the room, this man walks in and says, "Hi, My name is Matthew." It took me a few minutes to even realize that he was the DOCTOR! I initially thought he was a resident or a med student. I have never had a doctor introduce themselves like that.
He checked out the boys, then the nurse put drops in their eyes and came back in a few minutes later.
He then proceeded to check the boys out with all the special lenses and he was amazing! He was singing songs, and telling stories and jokes. At one point Dominic reached for the machine...when he did this at the old doctor the doctor yelled at him. This time this new doctor, gave him one of his lenses to play with. And then cracked a joke when Dominic threw it on the floor cause he was mad.
Come to find out BOTH boys are FINE!!!!
He said they are both Far-sighted but that all kids at this age are. He said they are both completely normal but that he is going to check them again in a year. My husband asked him if Johnny ever really needed glasses before and he said that maybe the doctor thought he fell in this gray area where glasses may help. But then we told him he NEVER wore them.
My husband is a little upset with the other doctor because obviously we spent $300 for glasses that now we will end up donating but still! Wouldn't it have been better just to have him checked out in a couple of months instead of prescribing glasses.
I can only think of it this way, we are probably more fortunate than most people and could easily afford to spend the money on the glasses. What if we did not have $300 to spend on a pair of glasses. And we found a way to get the money only to be told he is fine and never needed them???
Oh well.
At least everything worked out in the end!